Posts Tagged ‘assaults on law enforcement’

A Dastardly Murder Part 1


John R. Manning

As recorded by History

Researched by Detective Henry S. Edwards
Bessemer Police Department

Officer Rick Thiot
Cullman Police Department

Special thanks to Dominga Toner
Bessemer Hall of History


Mr. Mike Manning
Great Nephew of John R. Manning

Bessemer Police Force

A Dastardly Murder
As published in “The Bessemer”
Saturday April 6, 1889

On yesterday (Friday) a warrant was issued for the arrest of a Negro, Sandy Jones living in Prince Addition South Bessemer. Jones had made threats to kill another Negro and was carrying a Winchester rifle intentionally to put his threats into execution during the day he works at Sloss mines.

Officers John Manning, Fulton and Woods went over about eleven o’clock last night to arrest him. He was at home, he and his wife living in a small board dwelling near Crawford & Folshee’s store. Officer Manning stationed Woods at the rear door while he and Fulton went to the front. Manning knocked and on hearing a noise within, called out to Jones to open the door, that he had a warrant for his arrest. Jones replied, “ All right, that he was hunting a match to strike a light”. Finally Jones opened the door and asked manning for a match, which on receiving he closed the door again. After some little time Manning again called to him to come on or open the door. Jones then opened the door and said, “ Come in Mr. Manning”. As Manning stepped upon the threshold Jones put the Winchester almost at his breast and fired, the ball passing through the heart, and of course killing him instantly. Manning’s body fell out onto the ground, but Jones kept on firing some four or five shots.
In the meantime Fulton went to a side window and broke out a pane of glass and fired four or five shots from his revolver at him. A lamp was burning and the distance was not over twelve to fifteen feet and he ought to have been hit. After firing, Jones passed out of doors into the darkness and escaped.

John Manning was about twenty-eight years of age. He is from Cullman, where his mother now lives and came to Bessemer even before it was started, being engaged in the construction of the mineral line. For over a year past he was connected with the police force of this city.

Manning was courteous and pleasant in his manner, very gentlemanly in his behavior, well liked by everybody and was considered one of the bravest officers on the force. He was a fine looking man, black hair and eyes and a heavy, long flowing black mustache.

His dastardly and totally unprovoked murder has aroused a strong feeling of resentment, and if the Negro could be captured today the majesty of the law might whistle for its dignity.

Sandy Jones belongs to that class of Negroes known as “Hard Cases”, the only safe course for citizen’s to pursue with reference to this class is upon the first premonitions of breaking out or defying the law, to string them up or drive them from the country to some other section where the people will string them up.

Efforts are being made to trace the murderer, but so far without any clue. Later the Citizen’s are raising funds to offer a reward for Jones arrest, and the following telegram has been forwarded to the Chief of Police at Birmingham, Decatur, Anniston, Calera, Tuscaloosa, and Blocton. “ A large reward is offered for the capture of one Sandy Jones, Who murdered a policeman in Bessemer last night. Said Jones is a Negro about five feet seven inches high, ginger cake color, very thin mustache, small eyes, thick set weight about 150 pounds, about 25 years of age. Had a Winchester rifle 38 caliber”.

Alabama Tribune
Thursday, April 12, 1889

The Crime That Is Now Exciting Bessemer

Circumstances Attending The Killing—
The Excitement Now Is A Maner Subsided.

Birmingham, Ala. April 7th—

A Most cold blooded murder was committed at Bessemer Friday Night at 12 o’clock.

Policeman John manning, one of oldest and most valuable men on the force, was the victim, and Sandy Jones, a Negro, was the murderer.

An Age-Herald reporter went down to Bessemer yesterday afternoon, and although there had been rumor of wild excitement and threats of lynching, the town was very quiet and the public pulse was not above the normal beat. There had been considerable talk, and some excitement when the killing was first known yesterday morning, but that soon died away and everybody went quietly about their business and left the officers of the law to catch and deal with the criminal.

There are many and various accounts of the circumstances attending the killing, but the following were obtained by the police authorities of the place, and can be relied on.

About 8 o’clock Friday night complaints were made to the police that some Negroes living in south Bessemer had threatened to kill another Negro living in the vicinity, and warrants were sworn out for Sandy Jones and three others, said to be in the plot.

Several members of the force took the warrants and began searching for the Negroes, but not one of them could be found. This was about 9 o’clock.

About 11 o’clock Officers John Manning, m. Woods and James Potter started out again to try and catch the Negroes.

On their way out they stopped at the residence of Officer Fulton and he accompanied them. The first arrest was quietly and quickly made. The Negro wanted was taken completely by surprise and the officers entered his house and pulled him out of bed almost before he was fully aware of what was going on. He had a shot gun loaded with buck shot lying under his head. But was yanked out to quickly for an opportunity to use it. The second Negro wanted did not resist and was arrested without trouble.

Officer Fulton then pulled then piloted the party around to the house of Sandy Jones, about thirty yards from the Louisville and Nashville railroad, and a quarter of a mile from Sloss mines. Jones responded to repeated knocks on the door and invited Manning in; the rest remaining at the gate. At the door he asked Manning for a match, and got one. After his lamp was lit Manning said: Well, Sandy, I want you.”
“No you don’t responded the Negro, and he grabbed a Winchester lying near and fired twice at the officer in a second’s time. The first shot missed the mark, but the second struck manning in the heart. He staggered out towards the door and fired twice. He then fell down, saying:
“Boys, I’m dead.” And died.

The Negro then stuck the muzzle of his rifle about six inches out of the door and fired four times at the three officers standing outside. The officers returned the fire and ran around the back way to shoot the Negro from that side. While they were going around the house the Negro dashed out of the front door rifle in hand and escaped almost before they knew it.

Searching parties were organized and searched the mountain fastnesses but no trace of the fugitive could be found.

The body of the murdered man was carried to the city jail. He was 30 years old, unmarried and came from Cullman. He had been on the force about eighteen months.

The Negro had been employed at Sloss mines for several years, and has frequently been in trouble before. He was five feet, six inches high, a ginger cake color and weighed about 160 pounds.

The Marshal received information yesterday morning that the Negro had been seen going in the direction of Sloss mines, but the authority is not reliable.

(Transcribed from a photograph of an article clipping from a Cullman newspaper found in the Manning family bible.)

John R. Manning

The news of the death of John R. Manning at Bessemer, last Friday night at the hands of Sandy Jones, a negro desperado, Carried sorrow to the hearts of a large circle of friends in this county where he was born and raised to manhood.

He was the son of the late Andrew J. manning, and his aged mother and several devoted brothers and sisters live to mourn his untimely death.

His remains were brought to Hanceville last Sunday and carried to his mothers place, some four miles distant, and on Monday were conveyed to Hopewell church for burial.

There were over three hundred persons at his funeral, which was conducted in a most impressive manner by the pastor Elder C. A. Owen.

Tears flowed from stout hearted men and sympathetic women as the narative was told of his taking off by the eloquent and feeling pastor, who was closely allied to the deceased by personalities.

John R. Manning was about 26 years of age, a man of generous impulses and greatly beloved by his companions and neighbors, who turned out en masse to pay respect to his memory.

As a friend he was true and confiding, as an officer in the discharge of his duty he was bold and fearless, In his dealings he was truthful and honest his family have the sympathies of all who know them.
Manning headstone

The Latest Gun Control Attempt

Senator Frank Lautenberg D-NJ finds it necessary once again to limit American’s access to purchasing firearms by proposing legislation to close loopholes which allow Gun Shows to sell guns without a background check on the buyers and to provide certain information related to the weapon sold. The proposed legislation appears noble at a glance until you consider a few things. Anyone who is familiar with the 2nd Amendment which states

(Infringed- vb [Latin infringer] 1: Violate, Transgress 2: encroach, trespass.)

” A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

Does this legislation encroach on the rights of law abiding citizen’s? I believe it does. The whole point of this proposal according to Senator Lautenberg is to keep American’s safer from Terrorist and Felonious Criminals. ]

[WASHINGTON, DC – Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ), the author of legislation to close the gun show loophole, today applauded a City of New York investigation that exposed overwhelming evidence that criminals and terrorists can easily access firearms at gun shows.]

” This investigation reveals how easy it is for criminals and even terrorists to purchase firearms at gun shows and is further proof that we must close the gun show loophole,” stated Sen. Lautenberg. “It will be clear to anybody who reads this report that we have an urgent need and responsibility to require a background check for every gun purchased at every gun show. Closing this dangerous loophole is plain common sense that will make our communities and our country safer.”

But the Senator is assuming that Gun Shows are the only way criminals and terrorist are able to get firearms. Does he not realize that homes and vehicles are burglarized daily in which firearms are stolen by criminals and sold on the streets? What about illegal or stolen weapons that is imported into the United States via our open borders and other simple means?

One more serious question I have is where is the probable cause to restrict the sale or purchase of weapons of those who are buying and selling and are law abiding without violating any laws? Is this profiling? Are they suggesting that all involved in buying and selling firearms at a gun show a part of some criminal element? What about firearms bought and sold via the internet and classified ads?

“There is no rational reason to oppose closing the loophole. The reason it’s still not closed is simple: the continuing power of the special interest gun lobby in Washington,” Sen. Lautenberg said. “My legislation would require background checks for every gun purchased at every gun show across America and would help keep guns out of the hands of criminals. Without this change in the law, anyone – from felons to terrorists to fugitives – can buy a gun at a gun show, no questions asked. That needs to change.” Senator Frank Lautenberg

I believe all gun control laws are ineffective. The only people who are ever inconvenienced by them are law abiding citizen’s who wish to own a firearm for their own personal protection. The criminals just simply don’t care if they are illegal or not. A criminal violates all laws. They never have difficulty in obtaining a firearm. Did you know that guns are banned in China and yet they are experiencing a rising problem in China with gun violence?


[Police in Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang Province, prepare to destroy a haul of 375 illegal guns and more than 300 knives last year. Although it is illegal for civilians to own guns in China, crime involving firearms has been on the rise in recent years. Photo: Xinhua

“With the convenient communication and exchange with the outside world, criminals have more channels to access guns. It’s difficult for us to plug all the channels,” he said.”

I believe Senator Frank Lautenberg’s agenda to restrict law abiding citizens ability to purchase guns at a gun show is simply another attack on law abiding citizen’s right to keep and bear arms. Why don’t this Senator and the rest of the Senators who hate guns and gun owners find ways to cut off access to this country at its borders and focus on the real threats to this country? Why don’t they propose much stronger mandatory sentencing for criminals violating Gun Violence Laws and committing crimes with them and leave the law abiding citizen alone?

Who Protects the Protectors?


It is time the voters of this country collectively hold it’s politicians and lawmakers responsible and accountable for the runaway crime rate and purge society of it’s convicted repeat violent offenders.
The constitution we all have sworn to uphold has been weakened and adulterated to the point of its only usefulness is to liberate the criminal from penalties required for his crimes while victims and law abiding citizens are left with only the protection of a reactionary law enforcement force that is grossly out numbered by the criminal population. Law enforcement officers have a duty to act upon all crime while also being held to a perfect standard and being held accountable and liable for each and every split second decision and action against the most lawless of society.
The self defense of a law enforcement official is held to the highest standard of scrutiny while the rights of a criminal is protected and guarded as sacred regardless of his assault or murder of a police officer, let alone a citizen he is charged to protect.. Any assault against a law enforcement official should be regarded as an assault on the constitution of the united states of america, and all the citizens it was crafted to protect. Furthermore, any assault on a law enforcement official should be a federal offense with heavily imposed and strictly enforced penalties up to and including death for the murder of an officer. If the citizens of the united states truly have guaranteed civil rights, why are the ones who are charged with the duty to enforce those rights and protect the citizen from falling the victim of crime not given the protection of legislation that would impose stricter and more severe punishment including hard labor and restitution when convicted of violent crimes against a law enforcement official? After all, the assault or threat of assault against a police officer is an assault or threat against all citizens and the laws themselves.
The last several years been some of the deadliest years in law enforcement across the nation in the past 28 years. These deaths should not only alarm those in law enforcement, but also each and every citizen. How much longer will law enforcement be able to continue to hire capable and qualified candidates to fill these desperately needed positions when an already grossly underpaid and overworked police force nationwide continues to be preyed upon without thought by the ever increasing violent criminal offender who has better and more acurate weapons, and an ever increasing willingness to use them against the officers? As with the bargain basement salaries of local law enforcement officers continuing to fall far behind those salaries in the private job market, so does the lowering of standards and qualifications of candidates for law enforcement. The hiring pool for local law enforcement continues to shrink due to the lack of value society continues to ignore concerning the bare minimum rate of pay and lack of benefits that are awarded to those who are willing to accept the position, resulting in an increase of corruption in the profession. How much longer will we allow this to happen, and at what cost to us all?

This country will continue to be under siege until the American public demands that its citizens be protected from crime and terrorism and that its borders be properly and effectively guarded and protected. This must be the very first priority above all else if we continue to believe in and guarantee civil rights for all. After all, what good are civil rights and criminal laws when you live in constant fear of criminals committing crimes of violence at will? What good are laws that protect crimes against persons when the applicable penalties are ignored or bargained down to lesser charges and weaker sentences?
Every new generation breeds a more violent criminal population, yet more prisoners are pardoned and paroled to re-enter society with a stronger body and an increase in criminal sophistication to better victimize society. And the endless cycle continues and multiplies all in the name of prison overcrowding and civil rights, again trumping the safety and prosperity of law abiding citizens.
Building larger and more generic prisons that are self sufficient and maintained through the daily use of hard labor required of each prisoner serving every hour of his full sentence would both discourage crime and reduce the financial loss incured by crime drastically.
It may be argued that I am placing a greater value upon law enforcement victims over the non-law enforcement victim of violent crime. However, if you understand that laws are enacted by the will of the people for the greater good of all, then you should understand that the enforcement of those laws are necessary in order for them to be followed. This is what makes us a civilized society. In essence, law enforcement personnel are the will of the people in human form. The will of the people to be free and prosper in the pursuit of happines without becoming a victim. Therefore when law enforcement officials are violently attacked, everyone is symbolically attacked also.
Never before has the need to defend ourselves abroad and at home been greater. Never before has the individual responsibility of the people been greater to demand their personal safety from the most petty of criminals in your own neighborhood to the larger nationwide threats of illegal immigration and terrorism. Your voice and your votes matter and will be the deciding factor.
How will you use it?