Archive for November 4, 2009

Fool Me Once, Shame On You! Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me!

It is the next morning and no doubt the shock waves continue to roll through Washington from Ground-Zero’s New Jersey and Virginia leaving the Dem’s with a mighty headache and terrible heartburn. Their “Hope” of Superstar Obama casting the radiance of his Hollywood charm upon the blue States of New Jersey and Virginia causing the voters to march in mind numbed lockstep with the big tent party towards their goal of government run health care, private industry takeovers, stimulus pay offs, A.C.O.R.N. voter fraud and imaginary job creations. Instead, the voters of these States marched to the polls and demanded another change. Fool me once, shame on you! Fool me twice, shame on me! The tax payers are very quick learners. It doesn’t take a genius to take a good look around you and see that your friends and family are still unemployed and looking for a lifeline in this horrible economy, even while being told by the White House how many jobs were saved and created. They also were quick with figuring out that when the jackass is in power instead of the elephant there is much left of the take home pay to make ends meet with. To the average hard working tax payer there really isn’t much left over. For quite a lot, there isn’t enough to start with. The Dem’s scream and shout about the evils of corporate America and taxing the rich to solve the countries problems while the middle class continues on paying outrageous taxes only to have their taxes raised again. As if that isn’t enough all the President and Congress can talk about is how they want to take your health insurance away and take control of your health care via the government bureaucrats. And of course the tax payers believe it won’t cost them not one dime extra. Well I assure you; those in New Jersey and Virginia do not buy that line either! The Democrat’s will posture and pretend yesterday’s elections do not affect their party because that is the arrogance of their ways. They are too high-minded and above the voters message that was shouted from the polls yesterday to admit that the American people simply do not like the policies coming from this administration, nor the shell game method of what they will allow the American public to know about their policies. The American voters in New Jersey and Virginia declared “You are fired!” and as the rest of the moderate to conservative States, they are very impatiently waiting for the next opportunity to fire the rest.
Contact your Representative in Congress now and let them know they face the same fate!